Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sex: A Book for Teens by Nikol Hasler

Ages 15 and up--

Intended audience: This book is written for teenagers who are curious about sex, whether or not they are having it or plan to have it.

Audience to whom it may appeal: Although the content may appeal to a younger audience, I think would be difficult to convince a K-8 or younger library to carry this book. It could also appeal to adults who have lingering questions about sex. (I learned a lot!)

Strengths: This book is very straightforward with facts, figures and clear explanations. It is also inclusive of various sexualities and gender identities. The author incorporates humor as well, which could help to alleviate some of the awkwardness of reading such a book.  There are also many resources (websites, phone numbers) for learning more about safe sex including the possibility of STIs and teen pregnancy.

Weaknesses: The cover, style, and content of this book could be construed as giving permission or even promoting teens to have sex. There is also the potential for bits and pieces (chapter titles, cartoons) of the book to be taken out of context and misconstrued. Although the purpose of the book is to inform, I can foresee potential challenges to its forthright (and potentially encouraging) nature.

Special considerations: Clear explanations of sex in all of its variations including GLBT, as well as thorough objective descriptions of the spectrum of gender identities. This may be a book that, although not labeled “reference,” might not wander far from its shelf, though incurring frequent perusal from curious patrons.  

VERDICT: Although the chance of challenge might be high, I would still promote the selection of this book in a high school media center. It is a humorous look at an awkward topic and has the potential to be extremely informative in an area that is often considered taboo. I think that the (mostly) objective explanatory style of the book would be an excellent addition to the library collection.

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